The challenge

The municipality of Vlissingen has invested heavily in the renovation of habour Dokje van Perry and the Dokhaven. Walhout Civil was contracted for inspection work in 2014, and discovered that the quay wall along the Dokhaven was technically collapsed. The grouted anchors were even succumbed. The municipality took straight measures and broke down the quay wall and the integrated roll-on-roll-off platform. Following a call for procurement, contracts have been drawn up for the construction of a new quay. The new quay consists of a heavy sheet pile wall with grouted and horizontal anchors.

The new sheet walls are valuable investments to the new marina area > Municipality of Vlissingen

Lift and removal of Kingsbridge

The Kingsbridge was taken out of service to install the new sheet wall in June 2015. The bridge elements were lifted and temporarily removed by use of a floating sheerleg. The work was done at night and during the weekends to prevent traffic jams in Flushing. The installation of the sheet piles, grouted anchors and concrete work was successfully and quickly executed. Also professional diving operations for explosive clearance took place.

Our contribution

Municipality of Vlissingen requested Walhout Civil for consultancy to prevent further collapse of the quay wall. We realized a successful solution within a few days. A robust design and contract for a sheet wall has been prepared after securing the situation in the habour. The biggest challenges of the project were the presence of old quays and foundations under the surface, causing many geotechnical problems. We have been actively involved in the construction team as the main constructor and supervisor of all operations. Several contracters, engineering and consulting firms worked under supervision of Walhout Civil at the project. A summery of our activities:

  • Bathymetric surveys and sludge measurements
  • Monitoring of (ground)water levels
  • Preparation of geotechnical calculation models
  • Preparation of final designs, 3D-models and visualizations
  • Preparation of hybrid contracts and integration of RAW & UAVgc contracts
  • Legal advice during case proceedings and independent expert in summary procedure

Some of our services during the execution work:

  • Verification of project management plans and detail designs
  • Preparation of calculation model to drive piles (ie Deltares)
  • Execution of professional diving inspections
  • Supervision on explosive clearance research
  • Contract management and supervision
  • Counselling for insurance companies and the Board of Arbitration